Tim Pyle

astronomer, filmmaker, NASA animator, graphic designer, illustrator, owner of Hogofilm

schoolCSU Northridge
SEE MORE of Tim Pyle

Scott Cawthon 📷

independent video game designer, developer, gamer, animator, writer, creator of the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise

Flashgitz Tom & Don

animator, graphic illustrator

Flashgitz Don

animator, graphic illustrator

Flashgitz Tom

animator, graphic illustrator

Laphin Hyena

voiceovers, video gamer, animator, graphic illustrator

Travis Knight 📷

billionaire heir to Nike, his father is Phil Knight the founder of Nike, lead animator at Laika, film producer, filmmaker, film director, musician, writer

Amanda Warner 📷

animator, illustrator, graphic artist, video game programmer

StevRayBro Izzy

animator, graphic illustrator


animator, graphic illustrator

Ross Bollinger

animator pencil art

Sam Green

animator, graphic illustrator

Peephole Circus

animator, graphic illustrator

Tea & Cheese

animator, graphic illustrator

Tom Skender

digital artist aka Moxie2D, illustrator, animator


animator, graphic illustrator

We Are Mashed

animator, graphic illustrator


animator, graphic illustrator


animator, graphic illustrator


animator, graphic illustrator

Keshia Brian

animator, motion designer, graphic designer, web designer, web developer, BLM activist


animator, graphic illustrator

Guy Delisle


Gonzo SSM

animator, graphic illustrator

Geo Exe

animator, graphic illustrator


animator, graphic illustrator

Annie Atkins

graphic designer, graphic artist, animator, filmmaker

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